Company Profile
DEB Exams has been providing mock examination papers and exam stationery for 75 years. In addition to support staff working year-round in Dublin, we have the largest number of teachers working nationwide – setting, reviewing, editing exam papers, as well as correcting and supervising the correction of scripts.
Our hallmark is our high level of quality in papers and marking schemes. With a committed focus on customer relations, we aim to provide all schools with a straightforward and positive mock examination experience.
DEB Exams is your school's ideal partner for mock examinations in Junior Certificate, Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Applied and Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme. To facilitate schools and to provide the authentic exam experience, we sell a wide range of exam stationery products. Our exam stationery is also appropriate for mid-term, Christmas or summer examinations, and class work.
So What Is It All About?
- Each exam paper is developed by a team of experienced subject teachers, who utilise a wide variety of source materials including previous years' papers, changes in syllabi and in-service training.
- The papers are further reviewed by our professional editing and design team, who ensure that the language, style and layout of all papers match those of the State Examination Commission.
- To assist teachers with administering and correcting exams, we provide an in-depth marking scheme for each subject. This includes sample answers and mark breakdowns. Often our marking schemes are more detailed than the Department's marking schemes. We provide slips and blunders for all Maths papers.
- All teachers receive extra papers and a marking scheme for each class order. We do not sell marking schemes separately. Simply register with us and once approved you can view our sample papers online..
- DEB Exams provide a correction service for all exams that we set. Scripts are then corrected by qualified subject teachers using our extensive marking scheme and correcting guidelines.
- DEB Exams provide in-depth resources to assist their correctors in providing a consistent and accurate exam correction service to schools nationwide.
- DEB Exams accepts applications year-round from qualified second-level teachers in all subjects and levels to correct the Junior and Leaving pre examinations.
- DEB Exams provide the widest selection of examination stationery. To facilitate our customers' needs, we accept orders throughout the year.
- Personalised examination stationery is available to meet school’s exact requirements.
Senan Kelly - Managing Director
Julie Walsh - Finance Manager